
“Through her health coaching program, I learned the importance of lifting weights in order to lose weight.”
-Janice M.

“Having Jenn as a Health coach helped me to change my eating habits and break my sugar addiction. This helped me to lose 20 pounds.” -Karen S.

“By working with Jenn, I learned how to incorporate exercise into my busy schedule, and this changed my health.”
-Molly P.

“As we worked together, I rediscovered my passion for cooking.  Remembering how much I loved to be in the kitchen made me re-organize my priorities and make weekly family dinners more regular.”
-Liz P. 

“Jenn taught me about BPA’s and plastics. I realized I was consuming a lot of plastics which was affecting my hormones. By switching to reusable stainless steel bottles and changing my cleaning products, I have been able to lose the extra weight I was hanging on to. -Willie M.

“During our time together, I realized how little I prioritized myself. Using the Circle of Life tool, I learned where my life was out of balance and was able to change my habits to get back on track.”
-Marina M.